Spiritual Marriage
Author: Brother Anandamoy
Realizing the deeper, universal purpose of marriage can be a life-long endeavor. In Spiritual Marriage, Brother Anandamoy describes various ways of quickening this process of growth and understanding. With profound simplicity and directness he discusses the principles and ideals of marriage as taught by Paramahansa Yogananda.
Topics Include:
The goal of marriage
How to develop greater understanding, affection, and intuition
Psycho-physiological differences between men and women
The importance of a loving family life
Loyalty, trust, and faith in marriage
Physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of marriage
Spiritual Marriage is one of a series of booklets presenting inspiring and practical guidance from the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi, on how to live in a spiritually harmonious way—with grace, simplicity, and with an inner equanimity in the face of life’s seeming contradictions.